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The China: Beijing

Beijing is China's capital, and its second largest city after Shanghai, with a population of more than 20 million.
It has been the capital of the Chinese Empire for much of its history, and became seat of the People's Republic of China after the Chinese revolutions, as well as the country's educational and cultural center.

The city is well known for its flatness and regular construction. There are only three hills to be found within the city limits.
Like the configuration of the Forbidden City, Beijing is surrounded by concentric so-called "ring roads", which are actually rectangular.

Beijing is a dynamic, changing city. There is a mix of old and new all around (especially within the 3rd and 2nd Ring Roads). Here you can see the most modern, envelope-pushing technologies and social innovations butting heads with the most ancient cultural norms and social settings. The people here can seem a bit cold, but once you break the ice you will find that they are very friendly and engaging.

The city has hosted the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and will host the 2022 Winter Olympics.


#china #beijing #pechino #travel 

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